Hello, friends! My name is Julia Polupan. I am a developer, content-manager and SEO specialist for
startup https://testy-online.com/eng. I want to tell you about my project and find out your opinion about it.
Initially, the idea arose to write a website for online testing in IT disciplines. I taught at the university for 15 years and in 2014, for a reason beyond my control (long history), I had to suspend your teaching activities (maybe not completely). And so, I had free time and a number of interesting author's tests in various IT disciplines. All exams for students at the university I accepted in the form of tests (I had a desktop program that I dropped to all my students and they, thus, passed exams). If 10 years ago I had a Web application for testing students, it would be very strong for me came in handy. That is, the task of online testing is more than relevant for teachers. I know from my own experience !!!
In 2017, I decided to create a Web application for testing everyone on the Internet, posting my tests for everyone to see, both with and without answers, with an assessment after passing the test. I thought for a long time about the technology stack that I will use. And I decided that the main component of the stack would be Microsoft ASP.NET MVC5 and Entity Framework. Now I think I need to rewrite it for Core. The web server is IIS. Front-end: jQuery, Bootstrap.
In 2018, the first release of the site https://it-a-it.com was ready. Initially, a self-written engine was used on the it-a-it.com domain, but over time it had to be divided into two and buy a second domain testy-online.com. On June 8, 2019, the site was first published https://testy-online.com/eng Today the site is 9 months old and therefore it is still considered young. As you understand, I don't have a designer, teams too. I don't want to spend money on advertising a product. There is certain knowledge and desire to do OWN project.
After three months of the site's life https://testy-online.com/eng, after analyzing his work, it was concluded that tests in IT disciplines are not very popular on the Internet or you need to be more active in promoting. It was decided to add more psychological tests to the site, as well as develop a service of constructor tests so that everyone can add their materials to the site. It is not yet implemented and, therefore, I invite everyone to send tests to our facebook group: Online-тестирование or send me an email Aperkotmax@gmail.com
Of course, there are a lot of ideas for improving the site, BUT it does not bring income yet ... engine was spent 2 years (2017-2018).
I am engaged in SEO promotion myself and I realized that this is a very difficult thing, it takes a lot of time, knowledge and narrowly focused skills. I don't trust SEO specialists who sell their services on the Internet. The main method, which they use is the link building method. It is generally suggested to buy links for more, than 4000+ sites. At the same time, no one will provide you with a list of these 4000+ sites, so that you yourself do not made links on these sites. Moreover, guarantees that among these 4000+ sites there are no porn sites, sites with religious themes or propaganda of violence - no one, of course, will give you. And you, my dear reader, know how the search engines Google and Yandex relate to such sites. Thus, having bought a link mass of 4000+ unknowns sites, you can, how to increase the credibility of your site, and fairly tarnish its reputation by lowering it to organic search results to the lowest positions. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in 2020 the purchase the link mass is already considered an old-school method, since now search engines are in first place by determining the level credibility of the site or those that are factored into the ranking of the site put behavioral factors such as depth views, time spent on the site, bounce rate, etc. That is, buying a "pig in a poke" in the form of a link mass - I do not do it and do not recommend it to anyone. In general, I think that this business on the Internet will soon die. or, at the very least, it will turn over significantly.
I promote the site myself and provide a graph of statistics (Fig. 1) for 9 months of the site's life (06.2019 - 02.2020). The graph, of course, does not represent all traffic sources. Those not listed have a very small weight compared to those indicated.
The overall dynamics of traffic growth on the site for 21 months is shown in Fig. 2.
The general dynamics of traffic growth on the site for 3 years and 6 months is shown in Fig. 3.
The general dynamics of the average session length on the site for 3 years and 6 months is shown in Fig. 4.
Looking at the charts, maybe someone will say that this project needs to be closed, someone will say - on the contrary, develop and improve, but ... He eats little money: $ 2 per month for hosting + $ 15 once a year for a domain. That is, in 9 months for the project took $ 18 + $ 15 = $ 33. In view of the fact that I do everything myself, then my strength, energy, knowledge and perseverance for this project a lot is spent. But I like the project itself, I like watching its dynamics and gaining new knowledge ... I will also say that in addition to taking up this project https://testy-online.com/eng , I work officially, in an official office, that is, I also spend time making money;)
There is a lot of information on the Internet that you can bring a site to the TOP-3 in 3-6 months. I don't think it's true or you need to spend a considerable amount of money on promotion, which I do not want to do. At the same time, there are no guarantees !!! Or it should be a project with such a unique and urgent idea that it will be difficult to come up with. It must be something new and interesting to the world !!! Try it, come up with this ...
At the end of 2020, I will give more statistics on the site. There will be something to talk about with you, dear reader !!! To be continued…
Comments can be left in our facebook group: Online testing or send me an email Aperkotmax@gmail.com