Online tests: psychological tests, love and relationships, personality, education and pedagogy,
beauty and health, tests for girls, tests in IT disciplines, tests in IT disciplines with answers.
Online-testing Studio "AperkotMax"
23 tests in Psychology
1 IT test
1 IT test with answers
Test results are stored in the system for two calendar days!!!
Test with answers. Angular: data binding, directives, design patterns in Angular.
Test with answers. Angular: data binding, directives, design patterns in Angular.
The test contains several questions about the theoretical information of the JavaScript language, questions about directives in Angular, data binding
and passing data from parent to child. Examples of their use are given. There are also questions involving work
with the ReactiveX library and questions about the design patterns used in this library.
To write the test, materials from the books of Adam Freeman
«Angular для профессионалов»,
Yakov Fain, Anton Moiseev
«Angular и TypeScript. Сайтостроение для профессионалов»
were used.