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Asperger Syndrome Test (Autism Score AQ)

Asperger Syndrome Test (Autism Score AQ) Asperger's Syndrome is a general developmental disorder characterized by severe difficulties in social interaction and a limited, stereotyped, repetitive repertoire of interests and activities. At the same time, speech and cognitive abilities are generally preserved. The syndrome is also often characterized by marked clumsiness.

The syndrome is named after the Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician Hans Asperger, who in 1944 described children with a lack of non-verbal communication skills, limited empathy for peers, and physical awkwardness.

Until 1981, the term "autistic psychopathy" was used for Asperger's syndrome. People with this syndrome are often characterized by intact intelligence, moreover, their intellectual development is often above average, especially in childhood. Even the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, billionaire Elon Musk, announced in 2021 that he had Asperger's Syndrome. By this, he explained the fact that he sometimes publishes "weird things" in his tweets. “But that’s just how my brain works,” Musk explained and apologized to those whom he might have offended with his remarks.

The Asperger Syndrome test provided on our website is based on the well-known and well-established questionnaire for the clinical assessment of symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. The test was developed by psychologist Simon Baron-Kogan and his colleagues at the Cambridge Autism Center and is not a diagnostic tool, but is only informative. Many of those who receive a result that meets the criteria for mild autism or Asperger's syndrome report no difficulty in daily life.

There are five subscales on the test, each of which can be scored from 0 to 10 points: communication skills, attention switching, attention to detail, communication, imagination.

If you want to know if you have Asperger's syndrome and how severe it is, take the Asperger's Syndrome Test (Autism Score AQ) on our website

Asperger Syndrome Test (Autism Score AQ)
15 5

Subscale "Communication skills"

1. (out of 50): I prefer to do things with others rather than on my own:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

2. (out of 50): I prefer to do things the same way over and over again:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

3. (out of 50): If I try to imagine something, I find it very easy to create a picture in my mind:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

4. (out of 50): I frequently get so strongly absorbed in one thing that I lose sight of other things:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

5. (out of 50): I often notice small sounds when others do not:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

6. (out of 50): I usually notice car number plates or similar strings of information:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

7. (out of 50): Other people frequently tell me that what I’ve said is impolite, even though I think it is polite:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

8. (out of 50): When I’m reading a story, I can easily imagine what the characters might look like:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

9. (out of 50): I am fascinated by dates:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

10. (out of 50): In a social group, I can easily keep track of several different people’s conversations:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

Subscale "Attention switching"

11. (out of 50): I find social situations easy:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

12. (out of 50): I tend to notice details that others do not:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

13. (out of 50): I would rather go to a library than to a party:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

14. (out of 50): I find making up stories easy:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

15. (out of 50): I find myself drawn more strongly to people than to things:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

16. (out of 50): I tend to have very strong interests, which I get upset about if I can’t pursue:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

17. (out of 50): I enjoy social chitchat:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

18. (out of 50): When I talk, it isn’t always easy for others to get a word in edgewise:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

19. (out of 50): I am fascinated by numbers:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

20. (out of 50): When I’m reading a story, I find it difficult to work out the characters’ intentions:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

Subscale "Attention to detail"

21. (out of 50): I don’t particularly enjoy reading fiction:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

22. (out of 50): I find it hard to make new friends:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

23. (out of 50): I notice patterns in things all the time:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

24. (out of 50): I would rather go to the theater than to a museum:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

25. (out of 50): It does not upset me if my daily routine is disturbed:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

26. (out of 50): I frequently find that I don’t know how to keep a conversation going:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

27. (out of 50): I find it easy to ‘read between the lines’ when someone is talking to me:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

28. (out of 50): I usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than on the small details:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

29. (out of 50): I am not very good at remembering phone numbers:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

30. (out of 50): I don’t usually notice small changes in a situation or a person’s appearance:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

Subscale "Communication"

31. (out of 50): I know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

32. (out of 50): I find it easy to do more than one thing at once:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

33. (out of 50): When I talk on the phone, I’m not sure when it’s my turn to speak:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

34. (out of 50): I enjoy doing things spontaneously:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

35. (out of 50): I am often the last to understand the point of a joke:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

36. (out of 50): I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

37. (out of 50): If there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

38. (out of 50): I am good at social chitchat:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

39. (out of 50): People often tell me that I keep going on and on about the same thing:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

40. (out of 50): When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

Subscale "Imagination"

41. (out of 50): I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, birds, trains, plants):

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

42. (out of 50): I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

43. (out of 50): I like to carefully plan any activities I participate in:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

44. (out of 50): I enjoy social occasions:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

45. (out of 50): I find it difficult to work out people’s intentions:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

46. (out of 50): New situations make me anxious:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

47. (out of 50): I enjoy meeting new people:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

48. (out of 50): I am a good diplomat:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

49. (out of 50): I am not very good at remembering people’s date of birth:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;

50. (out of 50): I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending:

Select the only answer

a) definitely agree;

b) slightly agree;

c) slightly disagree;

d) definitely disagree;
