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Test: What spouses are you? (test for husband)

Consent and understanding between husband and wife are important aspects of a happy family life and protect both from resentment and disappointment. Mutual understanding and respect for each other accompanies the creation of sincerity and love in family relationships. As you know, a man is both the support and protection of the family, and how great his desire to perform these functions depends on whether the woman next to him will be happy. At the same time, if something is wrong with your wife, know that it is you, as the head of the family, who did not try to do everything to make your wife feel comfortable, and the better your wife is, the better you are. After all, a happy woman will never throw tantrums and scandals to her husband, thereby devastating a man energetically. A man and a woman must constantly work to create a prosperous family. How happy are you in family life, what binds you: habit, love or common goals? How well do you know your spouse? Take our free psychological test and get answers to these questions.

Test: What spouses are you? (test for husband)
12 2

The test contains 32 questions.

1. (from 32): Are you demanding of yourself?

Choose the only answer

а) very;

b) a little;

c) absolutely not.

2. (from 32): How critical are you about your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) moderately critical;

b) you are not critical;

c) extremely critical.

3. (from 32): Do you listen to her opinion?

Choose the only answer

а) yes, always;

b) sometimes;

c) never.

4. (from 32): How do you distribute household chores?

Choose the only answer

а) depending on the workload after work;

b) by agreement (who likes what more);

c) household duties are entirely the responsibility of the spouse.

5. (from 32): Do you share your problems with your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) sometimes;

c) no.

6. (from 32): Are you self-critical?

Choose the only answer

а) usually - yes;

b) try;

c) no.

7. (from 32): Do you always leave your salary at home unconditionally?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) not always;

c) you have a separate budget.

8. (from 32): Does your wife often complain about your behavior?

Choose the only answer

а) no;

b) sometimes;

c) yes.

9. (from 32): Do you support the authority of your wife in the eyes of children?

Choose the only answer

а) definitely;

b) don't know;

c) no.

10. (from 32): Do you do anything to correct your mistakes?

Choose the only answer

а) of course;

b) yes, after some time;

c) no.

11. (from 32): Do you notice positive changes in your home due to your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) yes, and always encourage her;

b) sometimes;

c) no.

12. (from 32): Do you help your wife in difficult times?

Choose the only answer

а) always try to help;

b) sometimes;

c) don't help.

13. (from 32): Are you interested in and encourage your wife's hobbies?

Choose the only answer

а) of course;

b) no time for it;

c) you don't care.

14. (from 32): Do you teach children to be attentive to their mother?

Choose the only answer

а) of course;

b) try to periodically draw their attention to it;

c) never thought about it.

15. (from 32): Are you actively involved in raising children?

Choose the only answer

а) of course;

b) when there is time;

c) no, it didn't.

16. (from 32): Do you help your wife with housework?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) rarely;

c) no, this is a purely female matter.

17. (from 32): Do you have a recognized leader in your family?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) each respects the opinion of the spouse in resolving strategic issues;

c) you often challenge decisions.

18. (from 32): How often do you consult with your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) yes, you consider it necessary, because you are one family;

b) extremely rarely;

c) no.

19. (from 32): Do you devote too much time to your hobbies?

Choose the only answer

а) no;

b) you do not think so, unlike your wife;

c) sometimes, but rarely.

20. (from 32): Do you hurry home after a long absence?

Choose the only answer

а) always;

b) sometimes;

c) no.

21. (from 32): Do you give your wife flowers for no reason?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) rarely, mostly only on holidays;

c) no.

22. (from 32): Do you feel that you satisfy your wife as a sexual partner?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) you don’t know, you don’t really care;

c) you have a complete incompatibility.

23. (from 32): Do you have extramarital affairs?

Choose the only answer

а) no;

b) very rarely;

c) all the time.

24. (from 32): What qualities of your wife do you focus on?

Choose the only answer

а) on positive;

b) on negative;

c) not on any.

25. (from 32): What do you think connects you with your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) love;

b) habit, children;

c) real estate.

26. (from 32): Are you indulgent about your wife's hobby?

Choose the only answer

а) no;

b) sometimes;

c) yes.

27. (from 32): Do you allow your wife to use some things that you need?

Choose the only answer

а) yes;

b) if you can do without them;

c) never.

28. (from 32): How do you behave when your wife begins to actively show leadership qualities?

Choose the only answer

а) calmly;

b) imperceptibly keep everything under control;

c) control, teach and criticize her all the time.

29. (from 32): How do you spend your holidays?

Choose the only answer

а) with family;

b) depending on the circumstances;

c) not the way the wife wants.

30. (from 32): How often do you try to please your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) as often as needed;

b) rarely;

c) never.

31. (from 32): Do you enjoy giving gifts to your wife?

Choose the only answer

а) yes, you really like to please your wife;

b) most often yes;

c) do not know, do it automatically.

32. (from 32): How often do you guess your wife's wishes?

Choose the only answer

а) often;

b) rarely;

c) almost never.
