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Spielberger-Hanin anxiety test

On our website, the Spielberger-Hanin anxiety test determines the level of anxiety based on situational (reactive) anxiety and personal anxiety. High anxiety, as a rule, leads to psychosomatic illnesses, and low anxiety - to a depressive state and low level of motivation. In both cases, it is recommended to consult a psychologist, and in especially severe cases - to a psychotherapist.

Anxiety is the tendency of an individual to experience anxiety, characterized by a low threshold for the occurrence of an anxiety reaction. High anxiety, as a rule, leads to psychosomatic illnesses, and low anxiety - to a depressive state and low level of motivation. In both cases, it is recommended to consult a psychologist, and in especially severe cases - to a psychotherapist.

The alarm scale was developed by Ch.D. Spielberger in 1966-1973. The Russian-language version of the anxiety scale - STAI, which is known as the Spielberger-Khanin scale of reactive and personal anxiety (SRPA) (1976, 1978) - has become widespread. Yu.L. Khanin adapted, modified and standardized this technique.

On our website, the Spielberger-Hanin anxiety test determines the level of anxiety based on situational (reactive) anxiety and personal anxiety. Situational anxiety, to one degree or another, is inherent in every person and is characterized by the emotions experienced in a given specific environment: tension, anxiety, anxiety, nervousness. Such states arise as an emotional reaction to the current situation, can be different in intensity and change over time. Personal anxiety is a constant value and is determined by the temperament, character, upbringing of a person and the ability to apply certain strategies for responding to external factors.

The test can be used for persons over the age of 16.

The test consists of two blocks of questions. In the first block (20 questions), choose an answer depending on how you feel at the moment. In the second block (20 questions), choose the answer depending on how you usually feel.

Calculation of results. Method №1.

For questions of the first block, each answer is 1) not; 2) probably not; 3) rather yes; 4) yes; the following number of points is assigned 1; 2; 3; 4 respectively. For questions of the third block, each answer 1) almost never; 2) sometimes; 3) often; 4) almost always; the following number of points is assigned 1; 2; 3; 4 respectively.
For the statements of the first block, the sum of the numbers Σ1 written in the answer to statements 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18 is calculated. Then the sum of the digits Σ2 obtained in response to statements 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20. Then the indicator of the level of reactive anxiety (RA) is calculated:
RA = Σ1 - Σ2 + 35.
Similarly, the level of personal anxiety (PA) is calculated for the statements of the second block:
PA= Σ1 - Σ2 + 35,
where Σ1 is the sum of the digits-answers to statements 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40;
Σ2 - the sum of the digits-answers to statements 21, 26, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39.
When calculating the results, the higher the final indicator, the higher the level of anxiety (situational or personal).

Calculation of results. Method №2.

Points for each of the scales (situational or personal) are awarded in accordance with the key presented in the table.

Do not think about the questions for a long time, there are no right or wrong answers here.

Spielberger-Hanin anxiety test
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BLOCK №1 (20 statements): In this block, choose an answer depending on how you feel at the moment.

1. (out of 40): I feel calm:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

2. (out of 40): I feel secure:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

3. (out of 40): I feel tense:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

4. (out of 40): I feel strained:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

5. (out of 40): I feel at ease:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

6. (out of 40): I feel upset:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

7. (out of 40): I am presently worrying over possible misfortunes:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

8. (out of 40): I feel satisfied:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

9. (out of 40): I feel frightened:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

10. (out of 40): I feel uncomfortable:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

11. (out of 40): I feel self confident:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

12. (out of 40): I feel nervous:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

13. (out of 40): I feel jittery:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

14. (out of 40): I feel indecisive:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

15. (out of 40): I am relaxed:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

16. (out of 40): I feel content:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

17. (out of 40): I am worried:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

18. (out of 40): I feel confused:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

19. (out of 40): I feel steady:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

20. (out of 40): I feel pleasant:

Select the only answer

а) not;

b) probably not;

c) rather yes;

d) yes;

BLOCK №2 (20 statements): In this block, choose an answer depending on how you usually feel.

21. (out of 40): I feel pleasure:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

22. (out of 40): I get tired very quickly:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

23. (out of 40): I can easily cry:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

24. (out of 40): I would like to be as happy as others:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

25. (out of 40): Often I lose because I don't make decisions fast enough:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

26. (out of 40): Usually I feel cheerful:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

27. (out of 40): I am calm, cold-blooded and collected:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

28. (out of 40): The expected difficulties usually worry me very much:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

29. (out of 40): I'm too worried about trifles:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

30. (out of 40): I'm quite happy:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

31. (out of 40): I take everything too personally:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

32. (out of 40): I lack self-confidence:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

33. (out of 40): Usually I feel safe:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

34. (out of 40): I try to avoid critical situations and difficulties:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

35. (out of 40): I have a blues:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

36. (out of 40): I'm happy with:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

37. (out of 40): Any trifles distract and excite me:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

38. (out of 40): I experience my disappointments so much that then I cannot forget about them for a long time:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

39. (out of 40): I am a balanced person:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;

40. (out of 40): I am seized with great anxiety when I think about my affairs and worries:

Select the only answer

а) almost never;

b) sometimes;

c) often;

d) almost always;
