Do you often think that what you have - you did not earn with your knowledge and efforts, but received as a result of a successful confluence
circumstances or simply due to banal luck? If you have such feelings, then we hasten to upset you - you belong to 70% of people,
who from time to time feel like "impostors" in their profession.
Such people believe that they are deceivers and do not deserve the success they have achieved. They usually attribute success to luck,
by getting to the right place and time or by misleading others, creating an image of a smarter and more competent person than they are
For the first time the term "the phenomenon of" impostor "appeared in 1978 in an article by Pauline Clance and Suzanne Ames, according to whose observations many successful
women tended to believe that they were not smart and that others overestimate them. More recently, research has shown that impostor syndrome
not only women are affected, but also men, almost equally.
As a rule, the causes of the "impostor" syndrome go deep into childhood, when the child grows up in a family where parents pay great attention
achievements of the child, but at the same time do not give him human warmth.
There are 20 statements in the test. For each statement, trying not to think for a long time, it is necessary to determine how much this statement is
is true for you.
Impostor syndrome test. Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes test.
1. (out of 20): I have often succeeded on a test or task even though I was afraid that I would not do well before I undertook the task:
Choose a single answer
а) not at all true;
b) rarely;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) very true;
2. (out of 20): I can give the impression that I'm more competent than I really am:
Choose a single answer
а) not at all true;
b) rarely;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) very true;
3. (out of 20): I avoid evaluations if possible and have a dread of others evaluating me:
Choose a single answer
а) not at all true;
b) rarely;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) very true;
4. (out of 20): When people praise me for something I've accomplished, I'm afraid I won't be able to live up to their expectations of me in the future:
Choose a single answer
а) not at all true;
b) rarely;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) very true;
5. (out of 20): I sometimes think I obtained my present position or gained my present success because I happened to be in the right place at the right time or knew the right people:
Choose a single answer
а) not at all true;
b) rarely;
c) sometimes;
d) often;
e) very true;